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Showing posts from August, 2012

Government Statement on Energy Sends Right Signals - Bahama Pundit

Another great article from Bahama Pundit. Click on the title to go to the article:  Government Statement on Energy Sends Right Signals - Bahama Pundit . If the PLP continue us on the path of renewable energy, then it would be a very impressive and badly needed step for the Bahamas. As a nation, it would give us something amazing to be truly proud of, independence on energy needs. That would be a massive step towards real independence.

Forgiveness: This guy is pathetic, pure and simple.

La Piel que Habito (The Skin I Live In) [2011]

This is a truly remarkable Spanish film . It's a psychological trip and a half, so brace yourself. Isn't that the point of great cinema, to challenge our understanding of the world? Banderas isn't usually a brilliant actor, but he exceeds himself with this performance.  IMDB rates it a 7.6 and RT rated it an 81%. The film is by Pedro Almodovar . It's available for purchase here . Otherwise, it's playing on STARZ this month.

Bahama Pundit: A Preliminary Assessment of Hubert Ingraham's Legacy

Another great article from Bahama Pundit. Click here . Thanks to Larry Smith for his excellent and well researched articles on all things Bahamian. Knowledgeable writers are few and far between in the Bahamas. We're a country that is generally light on facts and solid information and heavy on opinion and hearsay. Larry's writing is always informative and well researched.

Bahama Pundit: Diplomatic Postings -- China

Another great post from Bahama Pundit that quotes Henry Kissinger's excellent tome,  On China , which is all about the rise of China and explores its political, economic and cultural relations with the wider world at great length. The article is here:  Diplomatic Postings -- China . Kissinger wrote another insightful book on international relations titled  Diplomacy .