Tuesday 29 May 2012

Chrissy Love, Steve McKinney & the Future of ZNS - Bahama Pundit

Chrissy Love, Steve McKinney & the Future of ZNS - Bahama Pundit

By far, my favourite blogger on all matters Bahamian. Well researched, most importantly, and well written. Thanks Bahama Pundit!

Saturday 26 May 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

Ever since Christian Bale took over as Batman, the franchise's fortunes have changed for the better. Who can forget Heath Ledger's mesmerizing performance as The Joker? If the latest promotional poster is anything to go by, the newest addition to the series should be phenomenal.

Have you seen our throne?


Have you seen our throne?

The throne pictured here (bottom left of photo) has apparently gone missing or been stolen. Usually, our Governor General, the Queen's representative, uses it. It was recently used outside at another location for the swearing in ceremony of the new government and the ministers. It really is just tragically funny, given that we just had elections and one of the major issues that all our parties focused their rhetoric upon was crime. Now, a tief has run off with the symbolic chair of sovereignty.

This happened almost on the same day as our former Prime Minister retired after recently losing the popular vote in our last elections, which I'm proud to say were internationally observed, certified and, for the most part, peaceful. We are one of the oldest continuous Parliaments in the western hemisphere. That's kind of cool. In the mean time, have you seen our throne?

Friday 25 May 2012

Samsung Galaxy S3

CNET.UK has reviewed the Samsung Galaxy S3 and have decided to use the words 'Ferrari of Android'. That about sums it up. Having used the Samsung Galaxy S2, it's predecessor, I would agree.

Beach, Please! | Culture | Vanity Fair

Beach, Please! | Culture | Vanity Fair

Some awesome photography for TGIF.

George Carlin: Warning Rated R

About 40 years ago, George Carlin fought for our civil liberties by challenging the ability of the FCC to censor freedom of speech. The case made it all the way to the Supreme CourtCarlin stands as one of the greatest comedians and counter-culture critics of our time. He began his challenge with an unlikely monologue about the 7 Words You Can Never Say on Television. At the time, they were:
Now, some might say, but those words are awful. Yes, I somewhat agree, but awful belongs in the realm of poor taste and societal censorship should suffice on such matters. It should never be the business of the government to harass, arrest or otherwise intimidate anyone for simply having poor taste. Speech that directly threatens another person or group of people is another matter, but that wasn't the issue with these words. In the end, the FCC established limits on speech designed to limit the exposure of children, but 'adult hours' or 'late night programming' was liberalized, to a degree. The Christian right in the United States of America are fighting vigorously to undo the gains for freedom that were achieved in the 60s and 70s.

Here's a selection of some of Carlin's best quotes, and here's the box set of Carlin stuff from Amazon.com.

Government should be focused on actual problems, issues and threats. A society of grown ups can censor itself, if necessary. It doesn't need government to tell it what to do or how to talk. Carlin sadly passed away in 2008. Here's the famous monologue:

George Carlin is a hero of mine because no government should be able to curtail freedom of speech, no matter the pretense. The 1st amendment of the US Constitution is one of the single greatest pieces of legislation ever conceived. Freedom of speech is the foundation of freedom and worthy of a vigorous defense. There were none as witty to defend her as George. You are missed, but your legacy lives on. A youtube search of George Carlin yields hours of video.

Thursday 24 May 2012

Tyrion is a (P)IMP

Thank you to Being a Geek for sharing. Game of Thrones is fantastic. If you haven't read the books, read them. In the world of fantasy literature, there have been a lot of average writers, but three great writers stand as colossi. In my view, they have defined the genre:

And if you haven't seen the HBO show yet, then get on it. The show is approaching the end of Season 2. Season 1 was fantastic. Season 3 should be amazing as the show's popularity has amped up HBO's spending. It's available via HBO On Demand or catch it on HBO on Sunday evenings.

Another HBO show that is amazing is Boardwalk Empire, be sure to check that out. It's about Prohibition and features Al Capone as one of the characters.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Bahamians do not live in straw huts.

This is excellent. Priceless use of The Simpsons. Thank you to Native Stew for sharing. It's particularly hilarious because while attending university in North America, people were stunned that someone like me could be from the Bahamas. Once that shock had dissipated, I was asked questions about our use of straw, thatch and other native materials and people were astonished that I had normal clothes and that people used cars in the Bahamas. It makes you realize just how superior first worlders believe their countries to be, as their media constantly portrays developing countries as total backwaters. It's quite humorous. It's an ever more globalized world and lazy writers, like the lady who wrote the original article, need to be more aware of that fact.

For background reading on the story:
An even better rebuttal:

SpaceX is Awesome!

For those of you interested in the universe and space. Have you heard of SpaceX? If not you should, they made big news recently. Co-founded by Elon Musk, also one of the co-founders of PayPal, SpaceX was the first commercial company to privately launch a rocket into space. The message, dream big! Here's more info:

Photos: Inside the Life of the Ambani Family, Owners of the World’s Most Lavish Home | Society | Vanity Fair

Photos: Inside the Life of the Ambani Family, Owners of the World’s Most Lavish Home | Society | Vanity Fair

For the full VF article, click here.

I find it disconcerting that we are returning to an era that is reminiscent of the Gilded Age, especially in the developing world. The chasm between rich and poor grows greater and greater and is exemplified by this unbelievable display of Pharaonic wealth. I'd be embarrassed to live in such opulence, surrounded by slums.

If you haven't seen the amazing film, Slumdog Millionaire, do yourself a favour and watch it.

Historic Day in Egypt

Today, history is being made in Egypt as voters go to the polls for the first time for what will hopefully be free and fair elections. Remember Obama's speech in Cairo entitled New Beginnings? Only a short few months later, Mubarak's regime fell due to the demand for freedom of the Egyptian people as they flooded Tahrir Square and would not be moved or silenced. Let's hope it goes well. Best wishes to my Egyptian friends.

Monday 21 May 2012

Skyfall: James Bond Film Trailer Premieres in Cannes Tonight

Skyfall looks well done. According to VF, the trailer premiered in Cannes this evening.

The franchise has delivered solid popcorn consumption inducing films for a long time and the quality has improved with such recent hits as Casino Royale. The casting of Daniel Craig as the famous 007 has definitely helped the franchise as well. Top 5 Bond films? What are yours? Here's my list:

Golden Eye, the film, was also a great game, Goldeneye 007 for Nintendo 64. In its day, one of the best multiplayer first person shooters on the market.

Sunday 20 May 2012

Photos: The Vanity Fair Cannes Festival Party at the HĂ´tel du Cap | Hollywood | Vanity Fair

Photos: The Vanity Fair Cannes Festival Party at the HĂ´tel du Cap | Hollywood | Vanity Fair

And Hollywood now...

Photos: The Best of Classic Cannes | Hollywood | Vanity Fair

Photos: The Best of Classic Cannes | Hollywood | Vanity Fair

Just a fantastic photo article from Vanity Fair.


Religulous is a film by one of my favourite comedians, Bill Maher. I agree with Bill Maher when it comes to organized religion, although I must say that I am a little more sensitive towards deeply held personal beliefs than he is. It is the political reality of religion that I abhor, not its moral or spiritual aspects, usually. In my experience, few people who are zealously religious demonstrate behaviour that I would call spiritual, but I've met many spiritual people who professed being religious, they just weren't zealous. The primary problem with zealots is that they close their minds off to other ways of looking at the world, especially science.

This post is doing the rounds on facebook, it seemed quite apropos, although it should be titled Organized Religion:

Stand Up Comedy from a Friend: Warning Rated R

An old friend of mine, who has always been a natural comedian, took the plunge and did a stand up gig and recorded himself in front of a live audience. That takes courage, because chasing a dream is hard. Keep on keeping on Joe!

Saturday 19 May 2012

Anti-Intellectualism: A Worrying Trend in American Politics

This article should alarm people. It's from the Guardian UK. It's a discussion of the rising tide of anti-intellectualism in the United States. There is a deliberate effort with mass support from the fundamentalist Christian right that is attempting to roll back the enlightenment and all of its tenets. This movement wants to do away with cultural and philosophical self-criticism and reflection, which are the only path to cultural growth and evolution and are essential to a cosmopolitan society. I have never understood the drive of religious fundamentalists to return us to the Dark Ages.

Thursday 17 May 2012

facebook IPO = euphoria?

It will be remembered as one of the defining days of our generation, okay maybe that's a bit dramatic. Nevertheless, I have my doubts about this IPO. I have been thinking about this for the past month. The excellent film, The Social Network, definitely tumbled me down this rabbit hole. 900 million users and growing sounds like a lot of users, I know, but were you aware that Google+, which launched late in June 2011, has over 100 million users already? Anyone want to guess how many people are using Gmail or do daily searches on google.com? I don't know, but I'd venture to say that its about the same as the number of facebook users or higher, especially the latter. I'm sure everyone remembers myspace, right?

It occurs to me that facebook (NASDAQ:FB), with a proposed initial market capitalization of  US $104 Billion, is severely over valued. I think the entire day can be summed up as euphoria over something everybody loves, but love rarely makes for a sound emotion for a true market evaluation.

A disclaimer first, I am not a banker, an accountant, a finance guy, an economist or a qualified analyst of stocks and other financial assets at all. I also, unfortunately, don't have any skin in this game. If I did though, I wouldn't be putting it on facebook. What I do possess is a real world, common sense understanding of the nature of things based upon the fact that I've been a very curious person who's read entirely more than he should have over a great many years and kept my eyes open far too wide many a time. After university, most of my reading has been of an economic, finance or business nature, but I applied the same standards of logic and evidence that philosophy taught me to this new world of economics, finance and business. My point being that whatever knowledge I have of these things is largely self taught, so please apply the requisite grain of salt when assessing the value of this humble opinion. I am not responsible for your financial decisions. Let's make sure that's clear. Does fine print make that clearer? A further point, I am a user of facebook and I happen to like the product.

Let us aim for some perspective. I offer the following current market caps of some well known corporations for comparison:
Starting to see the problem? Consider the portfolios of products and services that these corporations offer. Apple produces hardware, software and is one of the largest content distributors, via iTunes, the world has ever seen. Exxon underpins the world economy. Coca-Cola supplies huge portions of the world's beverages of choice. McDonald's Corporation has millions of customers worldwide everyday. Diageo controls most of the world's top alcohol brands. Even lowly HP, is one of the largest technology companies in the world creating government, business and consumer solutions. 

The question is, what does facebook offer that is actually marketable? If the only answer is future advertising based on people's demographic information and its existing social network, then I see a lot of people being very disappointed by this IPO in the long term and a few making out like bandits. 

Let's compare its offerings to Google, which I would venture to say is its nearest competition. Google offers both of the services already mentioned, advertising and a social network, and offers more still, a lot more. Think of, as I already mentioned, Gmail and Google+. Or, think of Google Maps, Google EarthGoogle Street View, Google Wallet, Google Calendar, Picasa, YouTube, Google Play Music, Google Chrome, Google Drive, Google Translate, Google BloggerGoogle Books and the really big difference makers, Android, which is the most popular mobile phone OS in the world already, and the Google Play Store, which already sells books, movies, music and Apps for a variety of digital platforms. The latter is Google's answer to the iTunes environment, but could eventually challenge it and Amazon. Google Play Store is the most serious competition to the iPhone/iTunes environment.

Perhaps this list of acquisitions makes it clear how serious, how focused, how determined and how methodical the leadership of Google has been in developing this 'Google Suite' of products that practically constitutes an OS, a mobile OS and multi-platform Apps for both of them that sync, update, share, post, link, search, play, read, store and jam in unison. Only Apple's platform can rival this inter functionality, and not by much these days, if at all. In addition, Google runs data centres around the world. Finally, Google has a clear competitive advantage in one other regard, it's human resources culture. Consider this, Google was ranked first on Fortune magazine's list of the best companies to work for in 2007, 2008 and 2012 and fourth in 2009 and 2010. Loyal employees are priceless in an organization.

You might say, well, facebook will do all these things as well. Will it? The missing thread through all of Google's current programs, which they have been rolling out steadily one by one over the last several years, was Google+. Google+ will integrate those apps with its social network. Google is ahead of facebook in the Apps department and has been quietly fine tuning its social network, while growing users. 

If I had to put money on it, I'd say that Google is grossly undervalued if facebook is valued at US $104.2 Billion, because I think, given time, more and more people will simply migrate to Google+ because they're using Google's other very useful Apps already or they're on an Android phone. Google Chrome is also about to become a far more dominant web browser, because as Android gets more popular, more and more people will switch to Google Chrome because of its increased compatibility with Android OS

If all this is just way over your head, then, first, I sincerely thank you for still reading, and second, run this thought experiment in your head. It's my concluding point. Think of something you want to buy. Now log on to your computer or your phone and go look for it on the web. Did that yet?

What website did you search from? Google right? People go to facebook to be social and hang out, but they go to Google to shop and actually do stuff already. Google is going to introduce that hanging out aspect to their product suite. In fact, they already have, try Google+ Hangouts. It's like Skype, but with as many people as you want and you have access to all those other Google Apps I mentioned above when you are in the Hangout environment. Still don't believe me, what's your homepage? 

To be clear, this isn't an attempt to disparage facebook or to argue that it is a bad product. I say again, I use and love facebook a lot. This is simply an attempt to understand the dizzying heights of its valuation vis a vis other well known corporations and their products that we have a great deal more information about already and who are proven commercial market performers. On that analysis, I'd say stay clear. Of course, that's just my humble opinion. I'm genuinely curious to hear from others. Thoughts? Agree, disagree?

Thomas Friedman

Thomas Friedman is one of my favourite writers and thinkers. He's the NYTimes foreign affairs op-ed columnist and an accomplished writer and journalist. I have read most of his books and try to read all of his columns. Here's one of his latest columns. They are all great and I recommend reading them regularly, but his books are equally fantastic. Here are some of my favourite and one that I haven't had a chance to read yet:

Drink coffee, live longer!

Great news! One of my favourite activities on the planet, drinking coffee, has just been declared officially good for you according to the latest and widest study ever conducted on coffee drinkers health versus non-coffee drinkers health. Enjoy!

HBO's Soundtrack for a Revolution

Recently watched an amazing documentary on HBO called Soundtrack for a Revolution. It is about music during the Civil Rights era. Quality documentaries really shine as exceptional film.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Moby's Whispering Wind with Nature Video

While on the topic of music, it would be remiss of me not to mention one of my favourite songs of all time. I was pleasantly surprised to find that someone had taken the trouble to put it to high quality video footage of nature scenes. A photo of dolphins and dogs was making the rounds on facebook today. This link features video of the same incident in the photo. Thought it was worth a share:

NPR: Music

Recently, NPR has attracted more and more of my time because they really do a great job of digging into modern culture. This project, All Songs Considered, is a good example of this. It is remarkable because it forces you to look at things you like with empathetic eyes and try to imagine if other people would really like them too. I've always enjoyed such thought experiments. I definitely agree with Pink Floyd, Bob Marley and The Beatles being on the list. I'm a big fan of De La Soul and Paul Simon, but not sure they if they were quite as transcendent.

Jerry Seinfeld: It's amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world every day always just exactly fits the newspaper.

Awareness is and should be an important part of life, but in the modern era, finding reliable and pertinent news information quickly, despite the myriad of sources, can be very difficult. In the 21st century, we now know there is no such thing as objective news, so the best one can do is seek for a kind of intersubjectivity that allows one to develop one's own subjectivity in the hope of fostering a kind of refined or cultivated objective perspective that appreciates from whence differing opinions came from.

Marcus Aurelius said, "Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." This intersubjectivity can only be achieved via a plethora of news sources from a diversity of backgrounds and cultures. Unfortunately, that is very time consuming. I tend to check these services as I can:

No one has time to comb through all of the above and in this ever more complex and interconnected world, a diversity of news services in one location is priceless for those who want to stay as informed as possible. I stumbled upon three of these while App hunting. These are services that aggregate news from multiple feeds. 

The first is called News Republic and it is an app for Android or iPhone or other next gen 'smart' devices. It allows for fully customized news from a myriad of sources on one 'home screen'. Very clever. 

Another one is called Pulse and it does much the same as the previous one, but with a different format. I could recommend one or the other, but in truth, they are both fantastic and I think it's more a matter of taste than any serious performance differences, so I'll leave you to decide.

Of course, there is the original news aggregate program, Google News, which also works well on mobile devices and can be fully customized and I suspect will continue to just get better and better, simplicity being its strong point, a common thread of google made products.

For my friends still watching Fox News, all I can do is reference the Simpsons and implore you to change the channel. I assure you, that's not news and studies show that Fox News watchers are the least informed people, even among non-news watchers.

No discussion of the news would be complete without reference to the kings of news to our generation: The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. If you don't know, then you should, because these guys are doing pioneering stuff with satire and they are two of the smartest in the game. If you doubt it, then watch this.

For those of you curious about Bahamian happenings. The Bahamas is fortunate to have two great news services. We have The Tribune and The Nassau Guardian. Although many complain, for a population of less than 400,000, I'd say these papers aren't that bad and both are online. We also have a couple of web portals that are not bad in BahamasLocal and The Bahamas Weekly.

Finally, I am always open to hearing of other news sources, so please feel free to share or comment about news services and post your own favourite sites and sources. The world isn't going to get any better if we aren't all first informed of its problems so that we can work together on solutions. Knowledge is power.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Sunset @ Grabbers

A friend of mine took this one at Grabbers on Guana Cay in the Abaco Islands. There really aren't any words to describe an exquisite Bahamian sunset. You have to see one for yourself. Please peruse his web page to learn more about his amazing photography.

Sunset @ Snappa's

An amazing photo I was fortunate to snap with my previous phone. This photo proves that sometimes pure luck can snap you a sweet shot. Managed to liberate it from the device before it completely died on me. This was taken at Snappa's in Marsh Harbour, Abaco.

A little Google love...

This blog is possible because of a few key pieces of technology:
1. Google Chrome, the fastest browser to date, in my experience.
2. Samsung Galaxy S2, currently available at BTC at amazing prices. Fantastic video review here.

3. Google Android, which is about to get upgraded to the 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich.
4. Google Blogger is the amazing program that creates these ready made Blog templates.

Fun times shooting a VISA commercial...

This was a hell of a lot of fun to do. More importantly, there's a little Island Eudaimonia in this photo for sure. Gotta love the Bahamas! My girlfriend and I were lucky enough to be able to do this together, get paid for it and enjoy a day at the beach with a gourmet lunch. It is better in the Bahamas! Unfortunately, that is not our yacht in the background. Ironically, the VISA people wanted to have the yacht moved for the photo. The Bahamians tried to explain that it could only add to the photo. They eventually shot anyway.

Know thyself!

The spirit of this blog can be summed up thus: Know thyself! These words were inscribed in the stones of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi and they are the essential mystery of the human experience, both as an individual and as groups, throughout time.

Island Eudaimonia 101

Eudaimonia can be understood as living well or human flourishing, but is literally translated as well spirit. Islands are usually imagined as beautiful environments where life's troubles melt away, if only it were so easy. Island Eudaimonia is about the simplicity and the complexity of life. It is a philosophy built on an understanding that knowledge and wisdom are more powerful than ignorance and ideology. It is a way of life that embraces histories and cultures, celebrating their diversity, while conscious of the universal essence of shared human experience on earth. It celebrates humanism and reminds us that most of the concerns of humanity are ancient, even if modern life accelerates experience. By exploring the art, history, mathematics, science, technologyarchitectureeconomics, politics and philosophy of both the ancients and the moderns, we will share in knowledge that begins the dialogue to wisdom and living well. Along the way, we will explore popular culture, comedy, theatre, musicfilm, television, internet, vehicles, photographyfashion, fishingtravel, gastronomy, nutrition, health, sportsgender, sex, business, financespace, books and news.

Island Eudaimonia thinks globally, scientifically, historically, realistically and optimistically.

This blog will have most of its content generated by the use of links to content that can be found on other pages, but my writing, my photos, my experiences, my travels and my observations will also create the content for many of the posts. I welcome contributions from fellow bloggers and will share informative and interesting blogs I find on the net as well. The blog will often make use of links to wikipedia pages about each of the topics proposed for further discussion. Please explore the topics, you might be surprised at how much you learn from reconsidering the obvious or what you thought you already knew, especially in the information age. I certainly was. A quick note on wikipedia, I find it makes a far better departure point for fact finding and further information than it makes for an actual source of reliable information. It's a great tool for further research, rather than the end point of research.

The first photograph I want to share with you is a photograph that offers more and more every time you look at it. Somehow, it really captures the modern world. The image was created by NASA and depicts the earth at night. Galileo would be in awe:

The History of Europe: Every Year