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Jerry Seinfeld: It's amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world every day always just exactly fits the newspaper.

Awareness is and should be an important part of life, but in the modern era, finding reliable and pertinent news information quickly, despite the myriad of sources, can be very difficult. In the 21st century, we now know there is no such thing as objective news, so the best one can do is seek for a kind of intersubjectivity that allows one to develop one's own subjectivity in the hope of fostering a kind of refined or cultivated objective perspective that appreciates from whence differing opinions came from.

Marcus Aurelius said, "Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." This intersubjectivity can only be achieved via a plethora of news sources from a diversity of backgrounds and cultures. Unfortunately, that is very time consuming. I tend to check these services as I can:

No one has time to comb through all of the above and in this ever more complex and interconnected world, a diversity of news services in one location is priceless for those who want to stay as informed as possible. I stumbled upon three of these while App hunting. These are services that aggregate news from multiple feeds. 

The first is called News Republic and it is an app for Android or iPhone or other next gen 'smart' devices. It allows for fully customized news from a myriad of sources on one 'home screen'. Very clever. 

Another one is called Pulse and it does much the same as the previous one, but with a different format. I could recommend one or the other, but in truth, they are both fantastic and I think it's more a matter of taste than any serious performance differences, so I'll leave you to decide.

Of course, there is the original news aggregate program, Google News, which also works well on mobile devices and can be fully customized and I suspect will continue to just get better and better, simplicity being its strong point, a common thread of google made products.

For my friends still watching Fox News, all I can do is reference the Simpsons and implore you to change the channel. I assure you, that's not news and studies show that Fox News watchers are the least informed people, even among non-news watchers.

No discussion of the news would be complete without reference to the kings of news to our generation: The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. If you don't know, then you should, because these guys are doing pioneering stuff with satire and they are two of the smartest in the game. If you doubt it, then watch this.

For those of you curious about Bahamian happenings. The Bahamas is fortunate to have two great news services. We have The Tribune and The Nassau Guardian. Although many complain, for a population of less than 400,000, I'd say these papers aren't that bad and both are online. We also have a couple of web portals that are not bad in BahamasLocal and The Bahamas Weekly.

Finally, I am always open to hearing of other news sources, so please feel free to share or comment about news services and post your own favourite sites and sources. The world isn't going to get any better if we aren't all first informed of its problems so that we can work together on solutions. Knowledge is power.


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