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Bahamian Jubilee time: The PLP and Dame Marguerite Pindling

While many Bahamians were aiming their televisions, radios and internet feeds towards the Queen's Jubilee ceremonies in the United Kingdom, Bahamian PLPs were having a little Jubilee party of their own at Government House. It was a sad day for democracy, transparency and accountability in the Bahamas.

Unbelievably, the new Bahamian government, under the leadership of the PLP, has decided to appoint Dame Marguerite 'the champagne lady' Pindling to the position of Deputy Governor General. Dame Marguerite Pindling is the widow of former corrupt Prime Minister, Lynden Oscar Pindling, who brought in the drug lords, like Carlos Lehder, and funneled millions of illicit funds to his own private accounts. He also stole from the people and treasury of the Bahamas throughout the Bahamian drug era of the late 70s, 80s and early 90s. His time in power was referred to as the 'Pingdom'. Her reward for her loyal service to the country? To be appointed Deputy Governor General. Her former husband's reward? To have our national airport named after him.

No, we are not Zimbabwe, at least, not yet, but Pindling almost became our Robert Mugabe before finally being ousted from power in elections in 1992 after 25 long years of corrupt rule. Perhaps young Bahamians need to dig up the 1983/1984 Commission of Inquiry and reacquaint themselves with its illustrious findings. They could also look into the American media archives for stories relevant from the time. Here's one from the Sun Sentinel in Florida. Here's one from the LA Times. Here's another story from PBS's Frontline. It was shame and scandal in the familyIt seems the current government really wants to bring that legacy back to our politics, and celebrate it. This image comes to mind.

If a society rewards its most audacious and nefarious thieves with titles and honours, how can it ever prosper? What role models are we offering up to our youth? It is a travesty and Bahamians, PLPs in particular, should realize that they are doing themselves, their country and their children a grave disservice by honouring those who clearly abused their public positions of authority for their own private ends. Theft is not political, theft is theft. Party loyalty and theft are two mutually exclusive realms. There can be no party loyalty to a known thief or thieves. We must never again allow our country to become A Nation for Sale. If we're not careful, that is exactly where we are headed again.

Please enforce transparency and accountability so that we can actually have a better Bahamas where it is clear that there is actual belief in the citizenry of the Bahamas and real rule of law, not just rhetoric, and the politicians are held to account. Promises all too easily become lies, as this New Yorker cartoon reminds us and the latest batch of promises would make even the creator pause and question his ability to deliver, given the world economic situation. This action of the government is not respective to the concept of government in the sunshine. Hiding her swearing in under the Queen's Jubilee blanket doesn't make it any more palatable either.


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