The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, the long awaited prequel to The Lord of the Rings is slated for release Holiday 2012. After years of legal wrangling, Peter Jackson and New Line Cinema finally came to an understanding over the royalties for the original Lord of the Rings films, which garnered 17 of a possible 30 Academy Awards. The premiere is slated for a November opening in New Zealand, which is Peter Jackson's homeland and the site of the majority of the filming. It will be followed up by The Hobbit: There and Back Again, which is slated for a late 2013 release date. Here's a preview of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey:
While many Bahamians were aiming their televisions, radios and internet feeds towards the Queen's Jubilee ceremonies in the United Kingdom , Bahamian PLPs were having a little Jubilee party of their own at Government House . It was a sad day for democracy , transparency and accountability in the Bahamas . Unbelievably, the new Bahamian government, under the leadership of the PLP , has decided to appoint Dame Marguerite 'the champagne lady' Pindling to the position of Deputy Governor General . Dame Marguerite Pindling is the widow of former corrupt Prime Minister , Lynden Oscar Pindling , who brought in the drug lords, like Carlos Lehder , and funneled millions of illicit funds to his own private accounts. He also stole from the people and treasury of the Bahamas throughout the Bahamian drug era of the late 70s, 80s and early 90s. His time in power was referred to as the 'Pingdom'. Her reward for her loyal service to the country? To be appointed Dep...
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