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Showing posts from 2012

Bloomberg's anti-gun campaign feat. Beyonce, Jamie Foxx and others...

Obama Calls For "Meaningful Action" In Address On Connecticut School Shooting

Kate Upton "It Had to Be You!" Video - GQ Germany Video

From Wired Magazine: Video: A Magical Nighttime Journey Through a Fluorescent Reef

Obama's Weekly Address: Congress Must Extend Middle Class Tax Cuts

Star Trek: Into Darkness - Official Teaser (HD)

Casino Vote May Come Next Year | Nassau / Paradise Island, Bahamas | Bahamas Local News - Nassau / Paradise Island, Bahamas

Casino Vote May Come Next Year | Bahamas Local News - Nassau / Paradise Island, Bahamas The incompetence continues. Truly remarkable. The idea that they are going to spend all of 2013 playing politics and bringing the people into a frenzy with referendums on so many issues is a bad joke. What a colossal waste of tax payer funds!

Weekly Address: Working Together to Extend the Middle Class Tax Cuts

President Obama: "I'm Really Proud of All of You."

Few people get a speech this inspiring from their boss.

Romney's 2012 Concession Speech

Obama Acceptance Speech VIDEO 2012

U.S. Economic Confidence Best Since 2008

U.S. Economic Confidence Best Since 2008 More realistic news on the economy. This is what happens when you keep the GOP out of office long enough for them not to be constantly raping the economy to the advantage of the wealthiest Americans. Still no credit from most Americans, it seems, for Obama's amazing steady hand in turning around the economy, in the face of what was going to be the second Great Depression. It defies all understanding. If GOP Americans care about deficits, in deeds, not empty words, they will keep Obama in office. No, growth isn't spectacular, but fast paced greed is what got us into the mess. Remember, slow and steady wins the race and the world economy is not helping the American economy to recover faster, as both Europe and Asia are facing problems with growth in their own markets.

Toure: Electoral Map Looks Just Like Confederate Map

Toure: Electoral Map Looks Just Like Confederate Map Andrew Sullivan originally made this point and Republicans can whine all they want about this, but this is deeper than politics. This is about the racism built into US culture, into humanity. In 1864, if you focus on the states in existence at the time, Lincoln was looking at the exact same map that Obama is looking at in 2012. In 1864, Lincoln was a Republican advocating the end of slavery. In 2012, Obama is America's first black President and a Democrat. The exact same map is staring him in the face. This speaks directly to the fundamental cultural reality of the USA and of the south. The parties 'switched sides' when Johnson signed into law Kennedy's Civil Rights Act in 1964. That fundamental divide has not disappeared in modern America. The scar of slavery and the legacy of the fight for Civil Rights still stands for all to see. On a positive note, I still believe that America is light years ahead of most coun...

Maher warns about Romney: Spot on!

New Obama 'Forward' Ad.

Colin Powell Endorses President Obama

Obama on 'Romnesia': Excellent

John D. Rockefeller Junior's words of Inspiration

These words of John D. Rockefeller Junior are inscribed at Rockefeller Center in Manhattan , New York. They are words that speak of the true greatness, foresight and optimism of the American dream . "I believe in the supreme worth of the individual and in his right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I believe that every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty. I believe that the law was made for man and not man for the law; that government is the servant of the people and not their master. I believe in the Dignity of labour, whether with head or hand; that the world owes no man a living but that it owes every man an opportunity to make a living. I believe that thrift is essential to well ordered living and that economy is a prime requisite of a sound financial structure, whether in government, business or personal affairs. I believe that truth and justice are fundamental to an enduring social order. I beli...

Deficit Reduction Truth in America

The wrong issue for the wrong candidate  is the simple fact that the GOP does not, historically, reduce the deficit when in power. They simply talk about doing it and then explode the deficit when in power by cutting taxes for the rich and massively expanding military spending. Reagan , Bush Sr and Bush Jr all exploded the deficit. The only people to reduce the deficit were President Clinton and President Obama . The irony is profound, since that is the essence of the GOP platform. To summarize, the GOP are bold faced liars and their historical record speaks for itself, if people bother to actually look at it, rather than be bamboozled by their bogus rhetoric.

Felix Baumgartner's supersonic freefall from 128k' - Mission Highlights

Obama's Weekly Address: One Million American Jobs Saved and a Stronger American Auto Industry

From 'Why We Fight': Eisenhower's Warning to the Nation about the Military Industrial Complex

Mitt Romney, the GOP candidate for President in 2012, is suggesting raising the 'defense' budget yet again, despite the fact that no one at the Pentagon is asking for this to happen. Why?

FDR: Warning, basically, about today's Republicans

Big Bird - Obama for America TV Ad

Same old Bush nonsense: Mitt Romney Gives An Address On Foreign Policy

Mitt Romney Gives An Address On Foreign Policy  and winds up sounding just like George W Bush . Please America, the anti-science, anti-reason, anti-logic and pro-stupid, in their current manifestation, GOP cannot be allowed to lead the USA again. Don't you remember how crazy it was under W or are your memories that short? Come on America, don't give into fear again.

Obama Weekly Address: "As A Nation, We're Moving Forward Again"

ASAP Science: Scientific Weight Loss Tips & The Science of Appetite - Beating Overeating

ASAP Science: The Science of Orgasms

ASAP Science: Your Brain on Drugs - Marijuana

Car and Driver: Tested : 2013 Tesla Model S - Driven - CAR and DRIVER

Foreign Affairs: America the Undertaxed

America the Undertaxed : Compared with other developed countries, the United States has very low taxes, little income redistribution, and an extraordinarily complex tax code. If it wanted to, the government could raise taxes without crippling growth or productivity. Tax reform is ultimately a political choice, not an economic one -- a statement about what sort of society Americans want.

Foreign Affairs: How to Make Almost Anything

How to Make Almost Anything : In recent decades, the world has been rocked by revolutions in the digitization of computation and communication. Now the physical world is being digitized, thanks to new technologies that can turn data into things and things into data. Digital fabrication will let people build custom home furniture, living organs out of cells, and drones that can fly out of a printer; science fiction is becoming industrial fact.

From CanalChat: Charlie Winston

99 Problems (Explicit Political Remix): Hilarious! Props to the VJDJ.

President Obama at the United Nations in September 2012

Charlie Rose and Bill Clinton at Clinton Global Initiative on Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion

Christopher Hitchens Revises the Ten Commandments

Family Guy's take on Religion

Hilarious: (Rated R) Samuel L Jackson: Wake the f%^& up Obama Ad 2012

From Mother Jones: A New 'Old' Mitt Romney Video

The use of the phrase 'harvest them at a significant profit' is most insightful. 'Potential value and hidden value' in these targeted acquisitions usually meant pension plans and worker benefits. It also involved leveraging a company with debt to inflate the acquisition price. Ever seen the movie Wall Street ? Mitt Romney and Gordon Gekko are starting to sound like they speak the same language. See le monde article here .

Ella Fitzgerald: Cry Me a River (1961)

Wired Review: A 4-Day Test Drive of the Tesla S — Elon Musk’s Tesla S

Okay, who knew they made electric cars that are this cool? Elon Musk continues to deliver amazing innovation. The man is gold, check out this Wired review .

Ted Koppel on Bill O'Reilly = Truly Priceless

Enjoy. Ted Koppel just allows Bill O'Reilly to walk right into portraying himself as a pompous ass on a vile 'business driven news network'. And by 'business driven news network', I don't mean informative about the topic of business for its viewers, that would be Bloomberg , I mean something that just dolls out crap to make money, in this particular case, right wing crap. Ted Koppel is just a statesman here. Kudos .

ASAP Science: The Science of Procrastination - And How To Manage It

This timer program from Google for Google Chrome is great for controlling net browsing. Click here .

Iran reportedly moving on domestic Net plan, blocks Google

cnet : Iran reportedly moving on domestic Net plan , blocks Google You know you are doing well as a government when you find it necessary to block Google. Seriously Iran ? Ridiculous. Talk about condemning your own people to the stone age . That's like issuing a fatwa on the use of fire at the dawn of time . As Forrest Gump said, 'Stupid is as stupid does.' Talk about disgracing the legacy of Persia , one of the world's greatest historical civilizations .

PSY - Gangnam Style

This video is taking the world by storm. Asian cultural influence will only grow from here on out.

Conch Salad TV: Stephen Burrows - Portrait of a Sculptor

PBS: Former Supreme Court Justice Souter on The Danger of America's 'Pervasive Civic Ignorance'

New Trailer for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Full Video of Mitt Romney at Boca Raton Private Fund Raiser

His comments on foreign policy and the '47%' are absolutely ridiculous. On foreign policy, it is blatantly clear that he is a neo-con and will think just like Bush/Cheney. On domestic issues, he would do even more damage than George W Bush did, because he is even more of a Wall Street insider than Bush was. The GOP cannot rule the United States of America in its current incarnation. It needs massive reform.

Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address

Foundation 20: Interview with Elon Musk, founder of Space X, Tesla Motors and Pay Pal

Bernard Arnault, France’s richest man, seeks Belgian citizenship | euronews, world news

Bernard Arnault, France’s richest man, seeks Belgian citizenship | euronews, world news Personal take on this: Can you really blame him? 75% is too much. I favour progressive taxation , but no one ever should have to give up more than 50% of their income in taxes . It is counterproductive and prejudicial to an economy focused on sustainable growth which is the healthy ideal of a vibrant capitalist society . To date, no economic model has ever seriously challenged capitalism's ability to encourage freedom and prosperity . In practical, factual and historical terms that statement is virtually unassailable. Ideally, taxation should not exceed 20% to 40% of income per year, depending on the stage of development that a state finds itself in. That's the 'sweet spot' . This rate of taxation would be ideally implemented via a VAT structure that is crafted to garner the respective target rate of taxation. This predictable stability would create a healthy economic environm...

President Obama's Speech at the 2012 DNC

Obama's somber 'State of the Union' tone was exactly the right note.

Bill Clinton's Speech at 2012 Democratic National Convention

Clinton broke it down masterfully and laid out the very clear differences between the Democrats and the crazy people on the other side. The choice is clear. Bush II's policies were a disaster. Please, people, exercise your memory. Romney is just more Bush . Do we want tax cuts to the rich? War with Iran? That's what we'll get under the GOP. Say no America, please, the world is watching.

Michelle Obama's Speech at 2012 DNC

I think she knocked it out of the park. Michelle and Barack may come to rival Hillary and Bill .

Gentleman ft Barrington Levy & Daddy Rings - Can hold us down

Government Statement on Energy Sends Right Signals - Bahama Pundit

Another great article from Bahama Pundit. Click on the title to go to the article:  Government Statement on Energy Sends Right Signals - Bahama Pundit . If the PLP continue us on the path of renewable energy, then it would be a very impressive and badly needed step for the Bahamas. As a nation, it would give us something amazing to be truly proud of, independence on energy needs. That would be a massive step towards real independence.

Forgiveness: This guy is pathetic, pure and simple.

La Piel que Habito (The Skin I Live In) [2011]

This is a truly remarkable Spanish film . It's a psychological trip and a half, so brace yourself. Isn't that the point of great cinema, to challenge our understanding of the world? Banderas isn't usually a brilliant actor, but he exceeds himself with this performance.  IMDB rates it a 7.6 and RT rated it an 81%. The film is by Pedro Almodovar . It's available for purchase here . Otherwise, it's playing on STARZ this month.

Bahama Pundit: A Preliminary Assessment of Hubert Ingraham's Legacy

Another great article from Bahama Pundit. Click here . Thanks to Larry Smith for his excellent and well researched articles on all things Bahamian. Knowledgeable writers are few and far between in the Bahamas. We're a country that is generally light on facts and solid information and heavy on opinion and hearsay. Larry's writing is always informative and well researched.

Bahama Pundit: Diplomatic Postings -- China

Another great post from Bahama Pundit that quotes Henry Kissinger's excellent tome,  On China , which is all about the rise of China and explores its political, economic and cultural relations with the wider world at great length. The article is here:  Diplomatic Postings -- China . Kissinger wrote another insightful book on international relations titled  Diplomacy .

JRR Tolkien's The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey , the long awaited prequel to The Lord of the Rings is slated for release Holiday 2012. After years of legal wrangling, Peter Jackson and New Line Cinema finally came to an understanding over the royalties for the original Lord of the Rings films, which garnered 17 of a possible 30 Academy Awards . The premiere is slated for a November opening in New Zealand , which is  Peter Jackson's homeland and the site of the majority of the filming. It will be followed up by The Hobbit: There and Back Again , which is slated for a late 2013 release date. Here's a preview of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey:

Dave Matthews Band feat. Tim Reynolds

Tim Reynolds is a true master of the guitar and Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds team up to make amazing music all the time. These two performing live ranks high on my list of concerts I'd definitely love to see.

Ingraham refusing Knighthood... hilarious.

Dante Terrell Smith aka Mos Def

Hip Hop is a diverse music form with roots in R&B, jazz and poetry. It really is one of the great artisitc exports of the USA. Sadly, very little good hip hop is heard by the overwhelming majority of people, even by those who claim to be into it. The music industry bombards the public with 'hip pop' stars and chromed out idiots with even dumber girls around them. Most people's experience of hip hop is limited. It doesn't have to be that way. Expand your horizons and defy the marketing blitz krieg. Explore. Start that exploration with some Mos Def. Lyrically, he's one of the most gifted rappers out there and his message is far more complex and interesting than bitches, bling, cars , guns and the other silly stuff that most hip hop obsesses over. Enjoy.

The first PLP witch hunt of 2012: PLP vs Larry Smith

This link is the PLP's attempted 'retort' to Bahama Pundit's excellent article, which was mentioned in one of my earlier posts . Click here for his most recent article on BTC . Click here for Bahama Pundit's original article on Bluewater, the PLP's attempted giveaway of BTC to their own insiders back in 2006/7. Fortunately, Larry Smith at Bahama Pundit has two things that his adversaries possess in short supply: a brain and integrity. This is a blatant attack on a respected journalist who has done his home work on this issue.  The PLP don't like the truth on this issue, so they attack the messenger. It is an all too typical PLP tactic straight out of Pindling's drug era playbook! Discredit the journalist trying to talk sense and explain the truth to the people and repeat bogus falsehoods in the media for the loyal simpletons to absorb and parrot. The Republicans in the USA have mastered this technique well.  As Goebbels  infamously observed: ...

The Nassau Guardian: The Prom Syndrome

The Nassau Guardian  letter here is a perfect example of one of the major problems with our culture. Our love of form over substance . Prom is a glaring example of the insane, ass backwards priorities of our people. Instead of being focused on good grades and actual performance at school, our culture puts more emphasis on the appearance of their children at their prom ceremonies. Our culture's obsession over ceremony instead of results manifests itself in many ways, but none so glaring as prom and politics. Our politicians often appear to live in a prom world where throwing a ceremony for a thing is more important than achievements, results or reality. Another case in point, the renaming ceremony of the airport, which was done before any actual improvements were done. It's pathetic. It's disgraceful and as an intelligent young Bahamian, I consider it to be an insult and an affront to anyone in this country with a brain. Bahamas, do better! Demand more! Wake up!

NYC: Empire State of Mind

After visiting NYC ... feeling inspired. I'm also confused as to why so many Bahamians elect to travel to Florida when a flight to NYC costs almost the same and offers infinitely more to do. Florida, in the immortal words of Bill Maher , is 'America's Dick' . While I don't fully agree with that sentiment, a comedian is entitled to his bombast and Florida, at times, can have a plastic feel, while NY is all brick and mortar and dreams.

Migration and Naturalization

One thing that is clear, advanced, confident economies take in a lot of people to fuel their advanced economies. Look at this chart from The Economist . Cultures, communities and political parties that lack confidence in the real abilities of their constituent members tend to be anti-migrant. They're usually heavy on ideology and short on pragmatic strategies for policy formation and problem solving as well.

Blizzard: StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty won multiple awards in 2010 , when it was first released. The original game focused on the Terran campaign. The first expansion pack, which focuses on the Zerg , is called  Heart of the Swarm  and is an add on to this real the strategy game mega hit. It will be followed by the Protoss themed, Legacy of the Void . Blizzard , the maker of the game, has consistently made only award winning games. They work on their games for years before releasing them, putting in more hours than a movie shoot in many cases. Their most recent release, Diablo III is likewise an award winning game. Enjoy the videos. If you're looking for something to keep your mind sharp, this is essentially chess at light speed . More info  here .

El Secreto de Sus Ojos (2009)

El Secreto de Sus Ojos , English title, The Secret in Their Eyes is an excellent film . Don't believe me? It scored 8.2 on IMDb and  92% on RT . It also won Best Foreign Language Film at the 82nd Academy Awards in 2010 . It is a Spanish and Argentinian production and is a well crafted crime drama with greater lessons to offer on life, love, passion and duty. As with all great foreign language films, the liberating lack of a formulaic narrative is what creates the magic, that old magic of the movies. Hollywood often seems to have forgotten how to make movies like this, which is what makes global film great. More reviews here .

The Economist: Better-life index

The Economist really gives you ways, through statistics and numbers, to form a clearer understanding of how the world actually is, rather than how it appears or what we think of it or what we opine from my perspective, from your perspective or from the average Joe's perspective. These are objective slices . They're not complete, but if you aggregate enough of these slices of information, you start to see a clearer picture in your understanding. One built less on people's opinions and perceptions and more on hard facts and statistics. Anyway, this chart is exceptional and The Economist referenced Bobby Kennedy in publishing it. On GDP , Bobby Kennedy famously said, "it measures everything...except that which makes life worthwhile." I couldn't agree more. Click on the link , it takes you to their page and the original post.

From Press-on Crown Nails to Queen-Themed Yogurt, All the Diamond Jubilee Crap You Could Ever (or Never) Want | Blogs | Vanity Fair

From Press-on Crown Nails to Queen-Themed Yogurt, All the Diamond Jubilee Crap You Could Ever (or Never) Want | Blogs | Vanity Fair There really isn't enough Jubilee junk in the world! It amazes me that people still care about the Royals, almost embarrassing actually, but from a fiscal stand point, the Royal Family bring in tourism dollars and merchandising funds galore, so it has become hard to argue against them.

Bahamian Jubilee time: The PLP and Dame Marguerite Pindling

While many Bahamians were aiming their televisions, radios and internet feeds towards the Queen's Jubilee ceremonies in the United Kingdom , Bahamian PLPs were having a little Jubilee party of their own at Government House . It was a sad day for democracy , transparency and accountability in the Bahamas . Unbelievably, the new Bahamian government, under the leadership of the PLP , has decided to appoint Dame Marguerite 'the champagne lady' Pindling to the position of Deputy Governor General . Dame Marguerite Pindling is the widow of former corrupt Prime Minister , Lynden Oscar Pindling , who brought in the drug lords, like Carlos Lehder , and funneled millions of illicit funds to his own private accounts. He also stole from the people and  treasury of the Bahamas  throughout the Bahamian drug era of the late 70s, 80s and early 90s. His time in power was referred to as the 'Pingdom'. Her reward for her loyal  service to the country? To be appointed Dep...